Preparing Your Application

Gather Materials

  • Proposed budget for dispensing grant funds

  • Proof of 501 (c)(3) status

  • W-9 form, completed and signed (

  • List of Board of Directors

  • Brief highlights of total agency (or division) budget that identifies major fund sources and expenditures.

You can upload documents, PDFs and Excel sheets within the application using any Google account. Don't have a Google account? They're free, quick, and easy to set up. You can also submit your application online and send the supporting documents via email or snail mail. Please note that all materials must be postmarked or electronically received no later than October 1. This is a strict deadline.

All grant recipients must submit an Annual Report of expenditures by October 1 of the award year.

Prepare for the following questions

Agency name

Agency address

Tax ID#

Is your agency a public charity?

Contact person and title


Amount requested from GRS

Brief description of reason for request:

Brief description of your agency's purpose:

Brief description of your agency's primary funding sources:

For new applicants, how did you first hear about GRS?

Annual Report for Current Grant Recipients (Only current recipients of a GRS grant must answer the questions in this section)

Amount of current year GRS grant:

Total amount disbursed by your agency:

Were all funds disbursed in accordance with the GRS founding purpose (as stated on our website)?

Did all recipient families reside in Germantown?

*Current recipients of GRS grants must also provide a list of expenditure categories and funds disbursed for each category (food, clothing, shelter, utilities, etc.).
